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數位系統導入期 (1980~1990)
※ Year ( Red bar 地震小組 → Yellow bar 籌備處 → Green bar 地球所 ).
※ Dynamic range (dB), resolution (bits) and log (Amax/Amin) of selected strong motion accelerographs and digital recorders from 1930 to 2000, and the dynamic range of two transducers (FBA-100 and EpiSensor) (from Trifunac and Todororska).
TTSN 數位式地震資料處理系統(1987~1992)

Micro PDP-11/73
64 Channels ,12-bit A/D
Omega 時間接收器
VAX Station 2000 工作站
Micro VAX-Ⅱ minicomputer
Magnetic tape recorders
Hard Disks
4114 繪圖終端機
數位系統成長期 (1990~2000)
※ Year ( Red bar 地震小組 → Yellow bar 籌備處 → Green bar 地球所 ) .
※ Dynamic range (dB), resolution (bits) and log (Amax/Amin) of selected strong motion accelerographs and digital recorders from 1930 to 2000, and the dynamic range of two transducers (FBA-100 and EpiSensor) (from Trifunac and Todororska).
CWBSSN 12-bit,
TSMIP 16-bit,BATS 24-bit
※ Year ( Red bar 地震小組 → Yellow bar 籌備處 → Green bar 地球所 ).
※ Dynamic range (dB), resolution (bits) and log (Amax/Amin) of selected strong motion accelerographs and digital recorders from 1930 to 2000, and the dynamic range of two transducers (FBA-100 and EpiSensor) (from Trifunac and Todororska).
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