The Nanao Array project
A translation, rotation, and infrasound array for Seismology
Since Jan 2011, thanks to the instrument support from IES and TEC, we have successfully completed the siting and installation of six long‐term stations at the Nanao Park owned by the Forest Bureau and its neighboring area. This array is unique in several ways: (1) It is designed to monitor both translational and rotational ground motions, (2) It quipped three infrasound sensors since Jan. 2018, and (3) It was motivated to study earthquake swarms.
Expected results:
Using array methods to study wavefield of earthquakes, infrasound and other events.
Detailed mapping of earthquake swarm activities to test the Kanamori 1972 hypothesis that earthquake swarms are related to the occurrence of great earthquakes.
This project is led by Dr. Wu-Cheng Chi.

Array configuration
We have installed a 7‐element array. Right now we use a center station surrounded by a triangle 3‐node stations. The station spacing is in the range bewteen 120 ~ 500 m.