The MiDAS project

The Milun fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing (MiDAS)
The Milun fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing (MiDAS) project successfully drilled into a recent ruptured active fault, and setup a cross-fault zone observatory using various state-of-the-art sensors to build up a long-term monitoring with close-in data for understanding of earthquakes nucleation, propagation and energy partition. This astonishing high-resolution data (spatial, and temporal resolution of 4 m, and 1000Hz, respectively) successfully captures the velocity changes associated with lithology, fault zone structure at depth, and, thus, the hints to the site responses of subsurface to surface.
This website is targeted to provide technical information of MiDAS:
Event diary.
Mapping between the trace data and the geographic location.
This project is led by Prof. Kuo-Fong Ma (Academia Sinica) and cooperated with
Hsin-Hua Huang (Academia Sinica)
Chin-Jen Lin (Academia Sinica, technical support)
Chin-Shang Ku (Academia Sinica, data management)
Li-Wei Kuo (National Central University, drilling core)
Yen-Yu Lin (National Central University, borehole seismometer)
Chen-Ray Lin (GFZ)
Sebastian Specht (GFZ)
Philippe Jousset (GFZ)