The MiDAS project
Diary (last update 2023/04/19)
Drilling diary (last update 2022/08/10)
Borehole seismometer (last update 2023/04/19)
Depth** : from DAS comparison (Yen-Yu)
Mis-orientation* : by Youngman
Mis-orientation** : by Yen-Yu
2024/08/16 Meta data for GFZ OptoDAS
2024/08/16 11:46 iDAS stopped 12:00 OptoDAS start
—- OptoDAS parameter setting testing ——
2024/08/16 14:20 OptoDAS stopped, change back to iDAS (testing was not satisfactory)
2024/08/16 14:20 iDAS back 20240817 10:38 stop iDAS for OptoDAS Operating 10:48. Repeating to iDAS setting for parameters clarification.
2024/08/1710:51 OptoDAS 2m GL, 4m spatial length (SL) Hole-A, 1m SL
2024/08/21 fiber repairing Splicing near Hole-A parking lot repairing the fiber, OptoDAS stopped.
2024/08/21 6:00 splice done. More 200m along hole A surface.
2024/08/21 22:00, running OptoDAS with correct setting, including extra fiber from repairing. Setting 2m GL, 4m SL, Hole-A 1m SL, 1250 sps
2022/11/25 hole A rearrangement
1) fiber path change: hole A first and then hole A surface
2) hole A add 3 components horizontal strain
2022/10/06 iDAS moves from cargo cabinet A to cargo cabinet B
2022/09/04 Hole B container rearrangement
hole B container rearrangement (2022/09/02 - 2022/09/04)
2022/06/14 CHT repair
cable damage found in the fiber length of 2850m (CHT) due to road maintain and repair done on 2022/06/14
2022/06/08 Hole A repair
cable damage found in the fiber length of 1500m (2022/06/06) and repair done (2022/06/08).
2022/06/02 Hole B done
Right after hole B cable installation was done, the single-mode fibre was spliced to iDAS for whole cable observation and multi-mode fibre was spliced to DTS for cement monitor.
2022/05/06 Hole A surface repair
Due to a dog bite damage in the area around the hole A wellhead, we replice and replace hole A surface cable.